

The wait time for the first appointment is approximately 1-2 months. Unless we are looking to book a specific date. We do not book further than 3 months ahead. If you want a later appointment, do not send your form right away. We highly suggest booking multiple appointments in advance. This prevents you from waiting another 2-3 months between each session once the project is started. We only book 2 consecutive days of tattooing. This way your project will be done faster. Luka's schedule is from Monday to Thursday. All appointments are from 9:00 AM to around 4:00 PM and include the tattoo preparation, the tattoo itself, breaks and lunch. No consultation is required before the appointment, the design will be done on the first appointment. 

First Session


Upon arrival at your first appointment, you will discuss your project with Luka to begin building the design, therefore no consultation is necessary. This will be done through Photoshop so you will have a visual of the final result on your body. It is important to remain open-minded in order to leave creative freedom to the artist. This part usually takes couple of hours. Once the conception part is done, tattooing will begin. Keep in mind the amount of time spent tattooing on the first appointment may be shorter depending on the time spent on conception. It is important to plan a full day for the appointments as the time of release is indeterminate.

Pricing / Deposit


The rate is of 2500$ CAD plus taxes per full day of tattooing. You will be not charged any extra amounts for the conception of the project.

We accept cash payments or E-transfer. We do NOT accept PayPal.

If the project is selected you will receive an email with a date for the appointment and a deposit request of 500$ CAD. The appointment will be confirmed once the deposit is received. It is possible, on demand, to modify the date we sent you. The deposit will be deducted off of your last appointment. This is just to make sure you are taking your appointment seriously.

***Due to high demand, Luka is very selective about the projects he accepts. We answer all requests, whether the answer is positive or negative.***

Private session


Luka also offers private sittings. These sessions are booked on his days off. Therefore, you don’t have to wait and go through the whole booking process. These private sittings do come at a higher cost. CLICK HERE for more information.